Matterport3D: Learning from RGB-D Data in Indoor Environments


Access to large, diverse RGB-D datasets is critical for training RGB-D scene understanding algorithms. However, existing datasets still cover only a limited number of views or a restricted scale of spaces. In this paper, we introduce Matterport3D, a large-scale RGB-D dataset containing 10,800 panoramic views from 194,400 RGB-D images of 90 building-scale scenes. Annotations are provided with surface reconstructions, camera poses, and 2D and 3D semantic segmentations. The precise global alignment and comprehensive, diverse panoramic set of views over entire buildings enable a variety of supervised and self-supervised computer vision tasks, including keypoint matching, view overlap prediction, normal prediction from color, semantic segmentation, and scene classification.


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Toolbox and Codes for vision tasks

Please check the git repository for:

  • Detailed introducton about dataset.
  • Codes for vision tasks.
  • Repository

    Statistic and Explore

    Coming soon!


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